As a florist is it a job or a hobby?

Baleton's Diary - Oct 04, 2019



“If you follow your passion, you’ll never work a day in your life,” said someone named Tony Bennett. But, is it always like that? How do you define the word ‘work’? Anything that creates money? Or, anything that requires efforts and sacrifices?

So, to be a florist, is it a hobby or is it a job? Well, it depends. Yes, we are lucky enough to do what we love today. We are lucky enough to wake up every day doing the things we enjoy doing. Sure, we are lucky enough to be a florist.

But for us, Baleton, it was never a hobby at the first place. We did not start it by loving all those flowers or even dreaming to be a florist when we were younger. As we have shared before, it was just a random thought to start being a florist. Arranging flowers was not something we did regularly. Oh, it can be clearly seen through our first flower bouquets.

But, one thing we know, our love grow fonder. Weird enough, but we end up here. Being a florist has become a hobby when we actually started it as a job. When some people start doing something that they love, we end up finding love in something that we do. Can you see the difference? And, until today, never once we regret the decision we took four years ago, to be brave enough entering the world we were not too familiar with.

But, if you think that doing something you love is equal to having it easy, oh, you are clearly wrong. So wrong. Trust us, it is still hard. It is even harder when we love what we do this much. When we love our job, we always want to give our best. We want to be better each and every day. We want to put more thoughts in it. We sacrifice ourselves. Isn’t it what is love all about? But, if you ask us, “Is that worth it all?”. Oh, for sure, here is the answer, “It definitely is”.

We do realize one thing. It is not always about finding a job that suits our hobby. Yes, it may help. But, sometimes, it may be about loving what we do, loving what has been trusted to us. Doing it whole-heartedly, doing it genuinely, and it will definitely result in nothing but a great work.

We believe that every single person has a story to tell. Every single florist is different. So, how about you? Stay tune for some opinions we have gathered from our fellow florists!


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* Siapa tau tiba-tiba kamu dikirim bunga sama Baleton Flowerchef waktu ulang tahun, Who knows suddenly you will be sent flowers by Baleton Flowerchef for your birthday
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